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Support the Medieval Fair

The Medieval Fair of Norman has had the privilege of presenting unique, family-friendly experiences to visitors for over 45 years. Our longevity is due in part to the loyal support of community groups, partnering organizations, and generous individuals like yourself.

Your donation to the Medieval Fair helps us to continue offering educational, interactive, and entertaining programming to the over 200,000 visitors we welcome each year. Your donation also helps ensure our ability to develop and improve festival offerings for future guests. Please consider donating to help continue this beloved tradition of celebrating the culture and history of the Middle Ages.

Making a donation to the Medieval Fair has never been easier! A monetary expression of your support of the fair may be made via tax-deductible donations to the Medieval Fair’s OU Foundation account. Every dollar you donate to the Medieval Fair will be used exclusively to ensure that the fair continues to flourish and thrive for years to come.


Donations can be made online via credit card, PayPal, and wire transfer. You can also submit your donation via mail—just fill out the online donation form, and printable instructions with mailing information will be generated when you submit your donation.

Thank you for your continued patronage and support of the Medieval Fair!